Dateline: Tue, 02 May 2006
freeNewsArticles Story Summary: “DALLAS, TX – May 2 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — May 1st marked the final day of a unique online experiment created with the goal of reaching one million people through an emotion evoking, short movie designed by Texas writer and graphic designer Kate Nowak. It features a series of poignant blessings written to help people all over the world feel better about their lives.”
A R T I C L E:
Inspirational Online Movie Created by Texas Writer Captures Millions of Viewers Worldwide in Only 100 Days
DALLAS, TX – May 2 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — May 1st marked the final day of a unique online experiment created with the goal of reaching one million people through an emotion evoking, short movie designed by Texas writer and graphic designer Kate Nowak. It features a series of poignant blessings written to help people all over the world feel better about their lives.

“The movie was designed as a blessing,” Nowak explained. “People would see it and then read about my wish to share it with at least 1,000,000 others and would then send the link to everyone they thought might benefit.” She says everyday new emails and letter would arrive. “People share stories of how it touched them, made them cry, changed their outlook. Others tell me how they sent the movie link to everyone on their address list, that they posted it to a favorite forum or added the link to their own websites.”
What did surprise her, Nowak admits, was the number of viewers who choose to come back to repeatedly to watch the movie again and share it with other. When repeat visitors are counted, she said, the site has been viewed in excess of 10,000,000 times to date, by people residing in over 47 countries.
Those are remarkable numbers for any website, but considering that no advertising or search engine optimizing has been done to attract such high numbers during the 100-day experiment makes it far more impressive. In three months the site has gone from being an idea in Nowak’s mind to achieving top placement on all the major search engines — all backed with the web statistics to prove it — and all brought about purely by the people her message touched who longed to pass it on to others.
“Mother Teresa once said that there are more people in the world hungry for love and appreciation than who are hungry for food,” Nowak explained. “When the idea for the experiment first came to mind, I thought about how sharing the movie with others would be a wonderful way to let people all over the world know they are loved and appreciated. I consider it a virtual war on emotional hunger.”
Having lost her father to cancer three years prior and then fighting cancer again by her husband’s side, she also hoped the powerful words that came to her one early morning might help others going through painful experiences in their own lives. She had a persistent feeling that she needed to find a way to share these words that others around her found to be incredibly inspirational. In a flash, she realized a flash movie may be the answer and May You Be Blessed was born.
When it was finished, she sent it out to people she knew via email. After receiving an astounding initial response from friends and family, the idea came about to share it with as many people as possible and thus the concept for One Million Blessings Experiment was created. On January 21, the Experiment was officially launched.
Since the official launch on January 21, “May You Be Blessed” has taken on a life of its own. Due an overwhelming number of viewer requests, Nowak has since produced a DVD version of the movie that people can buy and share and now sends out a daily blessing message to over 12,000 of her 56,000 online subscribers.
The short movie can be viewed at
Kate Nowak is a 57-year-old writer and graphic designer who thought she had retired until she was struck with the awe-inspiring words, “may you be blessed.” The mother of three and grandmother of eight lives in Palo Pinto County, Texas with George, her husband of 40 years.
Copyright © 2006 by Kate Novak and Live More Abundantly Productions and Send2Press® Newswire, a service of Neotrope® – all rights reserved. Information believed accurate but not guaranteed. Sourced on:
• Story Title: One Million Blessings Experiment
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