Imagine Tomorrow Attains 33 Percent Share of Computer-Based Early Childhood Education Market

Author: Imagine Tomorrow
Dateline: Tue, 26 Feb 2008

freeNewsArticles Story Summary: “WESTWOOD, N.J., Feb. 26 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Imagine Tomorrow, a leading provider of computer classes developmentally designed for young learners, announced today that the company has attained a 33 percent share of the computer-based early childhood education market.”

A R T I C L E:

Record Sales Volume at Woman-Owned, Family Run Business Moves Company into National Leadership Position

WESTWOOD, N.J., Feb. 26 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Imagine Tomorrow (, a leading provider of computer classes developmentally designed for young learners, announced today that the company has attained a 33 percent share of the computer-based early childhood education market.

Imagine TomorrowAccording to figures from, which tracks data for children’s computer education licenses and franchises, Imagine Tomorrow increased its market share with a 73 percent increase in licensee volume. Nearly 400 learning center locations (, among them daycares, public schools, recreation centers and Head Start facilities in 37 states, use Imagine Tomorrow’s technology-rich computer-based curriculum, touching the lives of more than 15,000 children every week.

“We are extremely pleased that Imagine Tomorrow has achieved a leadership position in a highly competitive environment,” said Imagine Tomorrow founder and CEO Judy Patterson. “Our unique licensing program empowers entrepreneurs to flexibly incorporate the Imagine Tomorrow program into their own business model, which has been key to helping us extend our lead over the competition.”

Unlike a franchise, Imagine Tomorrow licenses software to entrepreneurs, as well as public and private entities who pair Imagine Tomorrow classes with other complementary programs offered in their own facilities. Licensees may also choose a “portable license” to bring classes into local daycares, schools, or even offer classes in specially equipped buses.

In the classes, children ages 2.5 to 7 years of age become “computer detectives” and take part in learning adventures, incorporating custom interactive video, and unique proprietary software. Advancing at their own pace, children work at their own laptops, proudly applying new technology, pre-reading, math, and critical thinking skills to solve problems in innovative ways.

At the end of the classes, children come together as a group, fostering teamwork and social skills. At home, confident children continue to enjoy their mission by logging into activities on the Imagine Tomorrow website.

About Imagine Tomorrow
Imagine Tomorrow was founded in 1991 by educator Judy Patterson. Her vision was to use technology in a fun and age appropriate way to extend her successful teaching and learning approach for children of all learning levels. Available on a licensed basis, the Company offers comprehensive packages to entrepreneurs who can use Imagine Tomorrow content within the framework of their own business model.

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Story Title: Imagine Tomorrow Attains 33 Percent Share of Computer-Based Early Childhood Education Market
• REFERENCE KEYWORDS/TERMS: Imagine Tomorrow computer classes, , , early childhood education market, Education and Schools, , , .

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