Patented Digital Data Compression Method Effectively Moves Parallel Data Over Serial Media

Author: Pegasus Web Services Inc.
Dateline: Tue, 22 Aug 2006

freeNewsArticles Story Summary: “SILER CITY, NC – Aug. 22 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Pegasus Web Services Inc. is pleased to announce it has received a Patent (Patent Number 7,096,360) from the Patent and Trademark Office today for its ‘Frequency-time based data compression method.’ The ‘Frequency-time based data compression method’ allows High Volume Transport of Digital Data over Serial Transports. It also has claims for High Volume Digital Data Storage and a Multi-Dimensional Encryption/Decryption algorithm providing unsurpassed data security.”

A R T I C L E:

SILER CITY, NC – Aug. 22 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Pegasus Web Services Inc. is pleased to announce it has received a Patent (Patent Number 7,096,360) from the Patent and Trademark Office today for its “Frequency-time based data compression method.” The “Frequency-time based data compression method” allows High Volume Transport of Digital Data over Serial Transports. It also has claims for High Volume Digital Data Storage and a Multi-Dimensional Encryption/Decryption algorithm providing unsurpassed data security.

This digital data compression method is expected to catapult web based and networking technologies into a world where data throughput over the wire is virtually unlimited.

It can be applied to data storage as well (imagine a floppy disk that can store 1.28 GigaBytes of data) or when applied to a 32 bit computer buss effectively creating a 32,000 bit computer buss.

As quoted by Jeff Fries, Pegasus Web Services Inc. V.P., “We are entering a new age ofperformance.”

The HyperDrive(TM) Patented Digital Data Compression Method also features an extremely complex embedded encryption algorithm preventing hacker or terrorist data attacks.

Pegasus Web Services Inc. envisions Applications of the HyperDrive(TM) Digital Data Compression Method to include:
    * A Replacement Modem/Network Device Technology providing Wide Area Networking support.
    * High Speed Data Connections to Rural Communities where advanced network connectivity such as Broadband or T1 is not available.
    * True (without Freeze Frames) Real Time Video Conferencing.
    * Interactive Video On Demand.
    * Web Based Team Oriented Virtual Reality Gaming.
    * Virtual World Web Browser Navigation.
    * Team Oriented Web Based Tools.
    * Real Time Remote Medical Monitoring.
    * Extremely High Data Storage technologies.
    * Applications which Enhance the Quality Of Life through High Speed Delivery of Multimedia.
    * Virtual Reality Distributed Flight, Tank, or other Vehicle Simulators for Gaming or Training.
    * Interactive Virtual Tours.
    * High Speed Multimedia Delivery of Movies, Music, Videos, etc.
    * Interactive Web Based Full Motion Video Marketing.
    * A Dynamically(On-The-Fly) Changing Encryption Algorithm supporting Security Of Transported Data.
    * Secure Encrypted Data Storage.
    * Secure Encrypted Internet Telephone.
    * Computer Architectures expanding data and address buss technology. The HyperDrive(TM) Digital Data Compression Method effectively converts a 32 bit buss into a 32,000 bit buss.
    * Any other applications requiring high speed, high volume data delivery over serial media.

“This invention is expected to significantly change the way we use computers in the future. We will no longer be constrained by the box; i.e. the number of slots in the computer backplane). The network becomes the computer backplane. The total computing power available is the sum of the parts of all computers on the network,” noted Jeff Fries, Vice President – Pegasus Web Services Inc.

Jeff also noted “This Patented Digital Data Compression Method opens the floodgates allowing High Speed Data Delivery of High Volume Data solving one of the most fundamental problems associated with today’s Internet. Data can be Delivered at speeds which will catapult the industry into the next generation of Truly Interactive Web Browsing instead of pointing and clicking on Hyperlinks as in use in today’s Web Browsers.

“Imagine Consumer Interactivity whereas the Consumer has the ability to walk through Virtual Mall Worlds, passing Water Fountains, Sculptures and more. Upon seeing a Store Front, the Consumer walks through the storefront door and enters a Virtual Store.

“The HyperDrive(TM) Digital Data Compression Method is an enabling technology. When used with VRML, Virtual World Malls become a reality.”

IPR Licenses are available today.

Pegasus Web Services Inc.’s Home Office is based in Siler City, NC. Pegasus Web Services Inc. is accepting applications for Sales people as the Patented Intellectual Property Rights will be Licensed and is looking for Sales people to sell the licenses.

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Story Title: Patented Digital Data Compression Method Effectively Moves Parallel Data Over Serial Media
• REFERENCE KEYWORDS/TERMS: Pegasus Web Services, , , data compression method, Patent and Trademark, , , .

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