Category: Advertising and Marketing
Sokal Showcases Digital Ad Products and Website Technology at NADA Show 2023
RALEIGH, N.C. — Sokal, a full-service advertising agency with offices in Raleigh and Charlotte, N.C., will be exhibiting at the NADA Show in Dallas, Texas beginning on January 27, 2023. They will be showcasing their suite of digital advertising products, as well as their website technology which is powered by their Momentum platform.
The SHE LAB™ announces the launch of Insight Salons – a new and faster way for brands to unearth actionable insights from women consumers to global brands
MIAMI, Fla. — Insight Salons offer a new way for brands to gain insights quickly from women consumers. The SHE LAB has curated a proprietary panel of women representing a myriad of voices and points of view across the U.S., and is making them available to brands and insight managers in bi-weekly showcases, called Insight…
Crystal Auto Mall Signs Sokal as Agency of Record
RALEIGH, N.C. — Crystal Auto Mall, located in Green Brook Township, NJ has recently signed Sokal, choosing the Raleigh based advertising firm as their agency of record. Crystal Auto Mall currently operates Crystal Mazda and Crystal Toyota where they sell a full line of each of those brands. Crystal Auto Mall also boasts an ample…
Fire Cornhole Recently Signed Sokal
RALEIGH, N.C. — Fire Cornhole recently signed Sokal, a Raleigh based advertising firm, as their agency of record. Sokal specializes in digital marketing and websites but will also offer their full list of services including, but not limited to, graphic design, video production, and media buying.
Alliance Group Expands Video Marketing Department with Hire of Assistant D/E
ATLANTA, Ga. — Alliance Group, an Atlanta-based insurance marketing organization, announced the hire of Josh Thompson as Assistant Director / Assistant Editor. The move comes as part of a recent series of personnel moves to reflect the company’s growing needs as they continue to expand.
After, Inc. Outlines its Commitment to Sustainability
NORWALK, Conn. — After, Inc. announced today its ongoing commitment to a sustainable future, detailing its multi-year strategy and initiatives on its website. Given its history as a post-sale technology and solutions partner to the world’s top manufacturers and retailers – and its recent purchase of Accentf(x) Marketing with its Lettershop facility – After is…
iDenfy partners with advertising platform MGID to provide ID verification
KAUNAS, Lithuania — An identity verification and fraud prevention startup, iDenfy, announced its new partnership with MGID, a global advertising platform. Using iDenfy’s full-stack ID verification services will help MGID boost new registrations while securing the onboarding process.
RocketRoof Announces Their One-of-A-Kind Results Guaranteed Marketing Solution for Roofing Contractors and Other Home Services Professionals
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — Today, RocketRoof announced much to the dismay of traditional marketing companies that lead selling is over. RocketRoof’s one-of-a-kind comprehensive marketing solution enables owners of roofing and other home service businesses to receive qualified appointments with exclusive homeowners in the company’s local area of business.