Category: Facilities and Building Maintenance
Capital Industries Shares the Top Reasons to Coat Industrial Floors
MATTITUCK, N.J. — Capital Industries, a leading non-slip floor coating manufacturer, works with industrial companies on selecting the right floor coating. After years of impact and daily use, floor coatings can wear down. Without the protective coating, industrial floors are easily damaged by foot and vehicle traffic.
Certified Test-Only Illinois Mold Inspector Provides Unbiased Property Mold Analysis
NAPERVILLE, Ill. — Just the thought of a mold problem can set most people into a panic. Know Mold(tm), a BBB-accredited mold spore analyst, works to alleviate that anxiety. Its lab, Midwest Aerobiology Labs, is a test-only facility and has nothing to gain by finding mold on a property. It only works to test and…
HomeWiz Expands Service Area from Greater Boston to Seacoast New Hampshire And Southern Maine
BOSTON, Mass. — HomeWiz, an HVAC and electrical service company based in Belmont, Massachusetts, is pleased to announce that the company is now licensed in New Hampshire and Maine, and will begin to serve residential customers in the Greater New Hampshire and Southern Maine Seacoast area.
Preventative Maintenance: Save Up to 100 Times the Cost of Future Leaky Balcony Repairs and Leaky Shower Repairs
SYDNEY, Australia — While preventative maintenance to address problems such as potential leaky balcony repairs or leaky shower repair might not top everyone’s to-do list, there are several reasons why it should. Remedial Membranes highlights a case study published by HIA insurance of a simple leaky shower that could have been repaired for $149, ended…
Pennsylvania Goes ‘Live’ With EnergyCAP Energy Management Information Solution
STATE COLLEGE, Pa. — EnergyCAP, Inc. (ECI) is pleased to announce that its EnergyCAP Enterprise software-based solution is now in full production use by The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (CoPA). CoPA will rely on EnergyCAP to track, audit, and analyze more than 10,000 Commonwealth utility accounts, with an annual utility spend in excess of $125 million.
New ZKTeco Atlas Series Panels: Fast and Simple Installations for Access Control Novices
FAIRFIELD, N.J. — ZKTeco, a leading provider of biometric, RFID and access control solutions, brings to market its new Atlas Series access control panels. Atlas Series consists of RFID & Biometric door access control panels which have an embedded web application.
Mold Inspection Sciences Phoenix Announces Their New Expanded Testing Capabilities to Offer FLIR Infrared Camera Technology
PHOENIX, Ariz. — Mold Inspection Sciences (MIS) today announces the rollout of FLIR E6 Infrared Cameras across Mold Inspection Sciences service areas throughout Phoenix. The introduction of this advanced, non-invasive technology allows MIS field teams to zero in on and identify potential sources of moisture during testing and sampling investigations.
Capital Industries Shares Tips to Know When to Repair Industrial Concrete Flooring
MATTITUCK, N.Y. — Capital Industries, Inc. shares tips for industrial, commercial businesses to know when to repair concrete flooring. Concrete floors and related structures are the basic elements of any building, which is why they need to be checked regularly and properly maintained. The absence of preventive maintenance can lead to expensive repairs, accidents and…
Mold Inspection Sciences in Los Angeles Announces its New Investment of FLIR Infrared Camera Technology to Expand Testing Capabilities
LOS ANGELES, Calif. — Mold Inspection Sciences in Los Angeles (MIS) today announces the rollout of FLIR E6 Infrared Cameras across all Mold Inspection Sciences service areas through Southern California, Oregon and Colorado. The introduction of this advanced, non-invasive technology allows MIS field teams to zero in on and identify potential sources of moisture during…