Category: Government
Haibu partners with the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs on ‘Zoohackathon’
HOLLYWOOD, Calif. — Haibu is an award-winning series of books, films, cartoons and video games that promotes wildlife conservation around the world. Haibu has partnered with the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES) on Zoohackathon, a global competition to develop new and innovative technology tools to fight…
Avondale Estates Mayoral Candidate Clai Brown Refutes Disinformation, Invites More Community Dialog
AVONDALE ESTATES, Ga. — 2019 Candidate for Mayor and former City Manager Clai Brown has issued the following statement to ensure Avondale Estates citizens have access to facts on matters that may determine their November 5 election-day decisions about the future of their unique city and community.
Keep Our Seniors Safe Act Signed by Governor Newsom
SAN DIEGO, Calif. — Consumer Advocates for RCFE Reform (CARR) announces that California Governor Newsom signed the Keep Our Seniors Safe Act, a part of SB 172 (Portantino) which was signed into law on 12 October, 2019.
Five Tips to Turn Tourists into Investors – Economic Development and Marketing Experts Develop ‘Investment Tourism’ Strategy
POMPANO BEACH, Fla. — What if your city could implement a strategy that would transform tourists into long-term investors? That is the concept behind “Investment Tourism,” a comprehensive Economic Development and Marketing platform developed by the award-winning principals of RMA and CJF Marketing International.
Guardian Angels Medical Service Dogs, Inc. Partners with SCI Mercer to Train Service Dogs for Veterans
PITTSBURGH, Pa. — It is with great pleasure that Guardian Angels Medical Service Dogs announces its latest partnership, with the Pennsylvania State Correctional Institution (SCI) at Mercer. As part of our new partnership, incarcerated veterans will train some of our future service dogs, beginning at approximately 5 months of age, all while earning college credit.
Real Change: Expanding Congress to Include a Citizens Assembly
WASHINGTON D.C. — An Assembly of 600 citizen-delegates is being established by NewUnity.Org and it is expected to eventually become a third-chamber of Congress via constitutional amendment, creating a tri-cameral legislature. The first session of the Assembly is scheduled to start in early 2020. Any U.S. citizen over the age of 18 can be a…
Air Force Pilot and Trump National Security Council Advisor August Pfluger Announces Campaign for TX-11
SAN ANGELO, Texas — Today, August Pfluger (R-San Angelo) announced his campaign to represent Texas’ 11th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives. For nearly 20 years, Pfluger has served his country as an elite F-22 fighter pilot, a decorated Air Force officer, and most recently, as a key national security advisor to President…
Arizona Department of Housing Congratulates the Recipients of the 2019 Brian Mickelsen Housing Hero Awards
PHOENIX, Ariz. — Arizona Department of Housing presented the 2019 Brian Mickelsen Housing Hero Awards at a recognition ceremony in Scottsdale on August 21. The ceremony was held in conjunction with the 16th Annual Arizona Housing Forum; the premier industry event for housing and community development professionals in the state.
The Pompano Beach CRA Announces a Request for Co-Working Space Applications
POMPANO BEACH, Fla. — The Pompano Beach CRA has announced a request for applications from entrepreneurs interested in becoming members of “GROW,” a co-working space, managed by the nationally acclaimed team, Digital Grass Innovation and Technology. This innovation hub will provide a myriad of support systems to local business owners looking to accelerate their success…