Category: Long Term Care
Long-Term Care Leader Extends Strategic Partnership Offer to Hundreds of Senior-Market Professionals
freeNewsArticles Story Summary: LTC Financial Partners, LLC (LTCFP) today announced a broad expansion of its strategic partnership program. ‘We’re opening our doors to seasoned senior-market professionals who want to expand their service offerings through a turn-key process,’ says Denise Gott, Executive VP for LTCFP. In recent years, key strategic partners with LTCFP have been large…
Evolving Tax Benefits Make Long-Term Care Planning More Attractive – Multiple Incentives Now Moderate the Cost
freeNewsArticles Story Summary: LTC (Long-term care) services, which are generally not covered by Medicare or regular health insurance, can be expensive. ‘Sticker shock keeps many from thinking about it,’ says Ken Dehn, General Counsel for LTC Financial Partners LLC, one of the nation’s most experienced long term care insurance solutions agencies.
Right at Home Dayton Keeps the Loves of a Lifetime Together
freeNewsArticles Story Summary: After spending a lifetime together, couples that have been separated by the chasm of the nursing home suffer the serious medical consequences of a literal broken heart. For nearly a decade, Ohio’s Right at Home – Dayton In-Home Care and Assistance has been keeping these loves together in their homes, supporting each…
New Answer to America’s Long-Term Care Crisis: LTC Insurance and Beyond
freeNewsArticles Story Summary: LTC Financial Partners, LLC announces their LTC Solutions campaign, which is a simple answer to a big, seemingly intractable problem: Nearly 70 percent of Americans over 65 will need long-term care services at some point, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. That includes the majority of Baby Boomers,…
DrivenBI and The Loyola Group replace Spreadsheet Analysis, Introducing SRK, self-service analytics platform for Senior Living Industry
freeNewsArticles Story Summary: DrivenBI and the Loyola Group announced their partnership today, empowering management to develop healthcare key performance indicators (KPIs) in entirely new ways. SRK simply replaces spreadsheets for analysis, delivering self-service analysis capability for Reporting and Dashboards demanded by the Senior Living Industry for Long Term Care, Skilled Care, Assisted Living, Independent Living,…
Four Seasons Compassion for Life Meets the Emerging Needs of Buncombe, western North Carolina’s Aging Population in the 2014 New Year
freeNewsArticles Story Summary: A retrospective look at 2013 shows that the aging of western North Carolina’s population, together with retirement relocations, has resulted in a rise in the numbers of individuals who may need specialized care during serious illness or at end of life, according to Four Seasons Compassion for Life.
Four Seasons CEO Shares Five Common Ways Families Know When it’s Time to Ask for Care Assistance for Aging Loved Ones
freeNewsArticles Story Summary: ‘January is often the time when family members reassess the amount and quality of care they can give, versus what Grandma or Grandpa needs,’ says Chris Comeaux, Four Seasons Compassion for Life. As the holiday season draws to a close and families return home to resume work and school, the days following…
Matt McCann, a Long-Term Care Leader, Joins LTC Financial Partners to Help Aging Americans Prepare for Mounting Care Needs
freeNewsArticles Story Summary: LTC Financial Partners today announced the addition of Matt McCann to the management team. McCann’s mom was 59 when she cut herself, a seemingly minor accident. The wound developed a staph infection that led to a long hospital stay with complications; and then, suddenly, she found herself needing ‘long-term care’ or help…
Give a Woman in Your Life the Gift of Long-Term Care Protection, Industry Leader Suggests
freeNewsArticles Story Summary: With Christmas, Hanukkah, and other gift-giving holidays near, how might you best delight a mother, wife, or other woman in your life? ‘Few things can beat a long-term care protection package,’ says Mark Goldberg, National Sales Manager of LTC Financial Partners, LLC. Really? Compared to jewelry, an ocean cruise, or new car?
November Is Long-Term Care Month Seven Times Over
freeNewsArticles Story Summary: LTC Financial Partners, LLC (LTCFP) has identified seven (count ’em) awareness campaigns that are competing with Thanksgiving 2013 for space at November’s table of caring. Various associations and agencies have designated November as ‘awareness month’ for their cause.