Tag: African American Interest
ABEP – Moving The CU Forward
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. — The Association for Black Economic Power (ABEP) is reaffirming its commitment to bringing a black owned and operated Credit Union to North Minneapolis.
Veteran Launches Meditational / Spiritual Podcast in Wake of Mother’s Death
LOS ANGELES, Calif. — Local veteran, Phillip Polite (“Phil”), bares his soul and sparks intrigue and thought from his listeners with his new Podcast, “PhilaNomics.” Phil is an Air Force and Army PTSD combat veteran who has endured plenty of struggles already in his young life.
Private Equity Firm CEO Co-Hosted SXSW Wealth Diversity Panels, Announces Launch of Black Angel Investors Initiative
GREENSBORO, N.C. — BWC Capital CEO and national chair of The Links Economic Empowerment Platform (LEEP) Bridget Chisholm was selected by Opportunity Hub (OHUB), the largest minority-owned multi-campus entrepreneurship center and tech hub in the U.S., to moderate and co-host two panels at the SXSW annual conference.
Yogi Law Launches Black Yogis Matter to Amplify Voices of Black, Indigenous and People of Color
HOUSTON, Texas — Yogi Law is proud to announce the launch of Black Yogis Matter, an online platform created to amplify the voices of black, indigenous and people of color (BIPOC) yoga and wellness professionals and help them succeed.
‘Ancient Black Civilizations Matter’ – Brand New Book, Explores Black Lives in Classical Civilizations and Embraces the Healing Power of History
SHELBURNE, Nova Scotia — Procopius Canning, historian and creator of the scholarly award-winning web sites Timeline: Ancient Rome, and Gladiator: The Real Story, announces the publication of “ANCIENT BLACK CIVILIZATIONS MATTER: Sort of like Wakanda, only real!” (ISBN: 979-8696570037), a deeply researched popular survey history of Blacks and Black culture in the ancient classical world.
Mocha Media, A Black Woman Owned Multi-Media Publishing Company, Launches the Second Season of the ‘Literary Lounge by Mocha@MLK’
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Mocha Media, A Black Woman Owned Multi Media Publishing Company, announces the season two launch of the “Literary Lounge by Mocha@MLK” in partnership with the MLK Library in Washington D.C.
Stand with Georgia Virtual March Will Launch Black Youth Vote Georgia Campaign to Fight Biased Voter Suppression Laws and Promote John Lewis VRAA
ATLANTA, Ga. — Black Youth Vote Georgia (BYV GA) will host the intergenerational Stand With Georgia Virtual March to launch “Don’t Bother My Ballot,” a youth-led campaign to fight oppressive voter suppression laws recently introduced by Georgia legislators and to promote the passage of the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.
Monument to an African American Patriot Drummer? You Bet!
BEAUFORT, S.C. — According to the Georgia American Revolution Preservation Alliance, if one battlefield archaeologist had his way, the first monument placed on the newly preserved Battle of Beaufort, SC site would not be to the two signers of the Declaration of Independence who also fought there.
California Black Chamber of Commerce and National Association of Minority Contractors / Northern California Chapter Partner to Build Advocacy for M/WBE Construction Trades
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — The new year is off to an industrious start with Jay King, CEO and President of the California Black Chamber of Commerce (CBCC), announcing a statewide partnership with the National Association of Minority Contractors, Northern California (NAMCNC), under the direction of its Northern California Chapter President, Pete Varma.
‘Can’t Look Away: Photographs of the Civil Rights Struggle’ New Docuseries Released by the Gund Gallery to Celebrate Black History Month
GAMBIER, Ohio — The Gund Gallery at Kenyon College is pleased to announce the release of the first episode in the new docuseries “Can’t Look Away: Photographs of the Civil Rights Struggle.”