Tag: San Diego Business
Open Mortgage Launches Reverse Mortgage Wholesale Operation on ReverseVision’s RV Exchange (RVX) LOS
SAN DIEGO, Calif. — ReverseVision, the leading provider of software and technology for the reverse mortgage industry, is pleased to announce that Texas-based mortgage lender Open Mortgage has launched its reverse mortgage wholesale operation on the RV Exchange (RVX) loan origination software (LOS).
Concord Mortgage Group Helps Baby Boomers Downsize Affordably with the HECM for Purchase Home Loan and ReverseVision Exchange (RVX)
SAN DIEGO, Calif. — ReverseVision announced today that Concord Mortgage Group (Concord), a Westerville, Ohio-based full-service mortgage banker and division of NOIC, Inc. (NMLS# 121455), has chosen RV Exchange (RVX) as its reverse mortgage loan origination software (LOS). Concord offers home-equity conversion mortgages (HECM), commonly called reverse mortgages, to clients in eight states.