CorEdge Networks Announces New Low-Priced ATCA Shelf Management Module (SHMM)

Author: CorEdge Networks Inc.
Dateline: Tue, 06 Jun 2006

freeNewsArticles Story Summary: “BOSTON, MA – June 6 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — At GlobalComm 2006 in Chicago, IL from June 4-8, CorEdge Networks, Inc. is announcing its new low cost ATCA shelf management module. The CEN-ShMMv1.0 is a compact, low-cost ATCA shelf/board management solution that enables interoperable management of open modular platforms using the Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) standard.”

A R T I C L E:

Drop-in replacement for existing ShMMs at under $400

BOSTON, MA – June 6 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — At GlobalComm 2006 in Chicago, IL from June 4-8, CorEdge Networks, Inc. is announcing its new low cost ATCA shelf management module. The CEN-ShMMv1.0 is a compact, low-cost ATCA shelf/board management solution that enables interoperable management of open modular platforms using the Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) standard.

Designed as a drop-in replacement for existing SO-DIMM ShMMs, the CEN-ShMMv1.0’s SO-DIMM package and pin-out support enable both form factor and pin-for-pin compatibility with existing ATCA SO-DIMM ShMM carriers.

Implemented using a single Xilinx Spartan 3, the CEN-ShMMv1.0 performs many of its IPMI functions in hardware to enable both high performance and lower cost compared to System-on-Chip designs.

The CEN-ShMMv1.0’s IPMI software is based on the CorEdge Networks’ patent-pending platform and OS-independent software solution.

Available in Q3 2006, the CEN-ShMMv1.0 will sell for under $400 in low volume quantities. Substantial quantity discounts will be available.

About CorEdge Networks

CorEdge Networks is a leading supplier of ATCA/MicroTCA/AMC compliant infrastructure products. For more detailed information on CorEdge Networks products, see


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Story Title: CorEdge Networks Announces New Low-Priced ATCA Shelf Management Module (SHMM)
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