Maveric Brands Releases Rim Juice Wheel Cleaner that Guarantees Shine and Preserves Investment

Author: Maveric Brands
Dateline: Mon, 26 Mar 2007

freeNewsArticles Story Summary: “NEW YORK, N.Y. – Mar. 26 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Maveric Brands announces a new product – Rim Juice Instant Wheel Cleaner(TM) – that, according to company representatives, ‘may just be the best wheel cleaner on earth.’ Rim Juice(TM) is the result of a safe and effective formula that, in two easy steps, quickly eliminates baked-on brake dust and road grime.”

A R T I C L E:

Rim Juice eliminates unpleasant features associated with rim cleaning such as harsh scrubbing and lots of time

NEW YORK, N.Y. – Mar. 26 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Maveric Brands announces a new product – Rim Juice Instant Wheel Cleaner(TM) – that, according to company representatives, “may just be the best wheel cleaner on earth.” Rim Juice(TM) is the result of a safe and effective formula that, in two easy steps, quickly eliminates baked-on brake dust and road grime. It leaves behind no chalky finish and can be sprayed on and hosed off.

Rim Juice - (c) Send2Press
“Just spray and rinse,” Donald Valone, Senior Vice-President of Maveric Brands, said. “Car enthusiasts will be happy to know that they no longer need to use harsh chemicals, or scrub with weak, ineffective soap formulas to get dirt and grime off of a wheel’s surface.”

According to Valone, rim cleaning is one of the most neglected steps in the car-detailing process, yet no one likes a dirty rim. Rim Juice(TM) has solved the problem and eliminates unpleasant features associated with rim cleaning such as harsh scrubbing and lots of time.

Through the use of new technology and the most premium ingredients available on the market, Rim Juice(TM) allows customers to quickly remove grime with minimal scrubbing; this saves time and effort and also helps to protect the vehicle with no damage to the wheels. An amazing shine and lavish luster is all that is left behind.

“Rim Juice(TM) is the best wheel cleaner I’ve ever used and I’ve been in the car-care business for over 35 years; I’ve tried a lot of products,” Bill Cole, owner of Yankee Custom in Massachusetts, said.

The staff at Maveric Brands understands what car enthusiasts want and need. Their hot packaging and colors serve to enhance their product, and sets them apart from the rest.

Maveric Brands was founded for car enthusiasts by car enthusiasts. Their mission is to provide customers with high-quality products that work while offering value and style.

“We have the funkiest labels on the shelves,” Valone said, “and, we also have a product that works. All products are tested on company cars first; if it doesn’t work, we don’t make it.”

For a free sample that is guaranteed to save time cleaning wheels, or for more information, contact: Donald Valone at 516-528-4630 or dvalone

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Story Title: Maveric Brands Releases Rim Juice Wheel Cleaner that Guarantees Shine and Preserves Investment
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