M2SYS Partners with Gnosis Medical Services to Provide Accurate Patient Identification in Developing Countries through Innovative Biometrics Solution

Author: M2SYS Technology
Dateline: Tue, 28 Aug 2007

freeNewsArticles Story Summary: “ATLANTA, Ga. – Aug. 28 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — M2SYS Technology, an award-winning biometric technology research and development firm, announced today that they have partnered with Gnosis Medical Services to provide a biometric fingerprint solution for patient identification in developing countries.”

A R T I C L E:

Biometric Fingerprint Technology used to Identify Patients and Retrieve Crucial Medical Records

ATLANTA, Ga. – Aug. 28 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — M2SYS Technology, an award-winning biometric technology research and development firm, announced today that they have partnered with Gnosis Medical Services to provide a biometric fingerprint solution for patient identification in developing countries.

(c) Send2Press“In many developing countries, there is no form of identification. When an individual visits a doctor, there is no way to identify them or to find a record of their past medical history, and language barriers can create a problem in receiving effective medical treatment. M2SYS’ Bio-Plugin(TM) fingerprint solution was easy to incorporate into our portable Four Corners Medical System, and has provided us with a concrete method to identify patients and to retrieve their medical history with a scan of their fingerprint. In this way, patients can receive the best medical care possible.” states Rogers Hellman, founder of Gnosis.

Bio-Plugin(TM) enables software companies to seamlessly integrate a complete fingerprint recognition system, including a high-performance 1:N identification engine. Bio-Plugin(TM) eliminates the system dependencies, extensive development, and specialized knowledge of biometric complexities inherent to fingerprint SDKs.

“Proper identification of patients in developing countries is critical in providing quality healthcare,” states Michael Trader, President of M2SYS. “Without medical history records, there is no way for a doctor to know of patients’ past illnesses or medical allergies, which hinders effective treatment. We are proud to partner with Gnosis for such an altruistic project, and are excited to continually provide innovative biometric solutions that will improve the quality of life for individuals throughout the world.”

About Gnosis LLC
Gnosis Medical Services, www.gmproject.org, seeks to improve the quality of health care in developing areas of the world by enabling health care providers to better manage medical treatment. The Four Corners Medical System provides the software necessary to manage patient record-keeping in even the most remote locations. The software is state-of-the-art and specifically engineered for use in developing countries. Gnosis is headquartered in Charlottesville, VA.

About M2SYS Technology
M2SYS Technology, www.m2sys.com, is a recognized industry leader in fingerprint identity-management technology, delivering a variety of customized, fully functional, turn-key fingerprint readers and software solutions for businesses and consumers. M2SYS was recently awarded the 2007 Frost and Sullivan Biometrics Technology Innovation of the Year Award.


Copyright © 2007 by M2SYS Technology and Send2Press® Newswire, a service of Neotrope® – all rights reserved. Information believed accurate but not guaranteed. Sourced on: freeNewsArticles.com.

Story Title: M2SYS Partners with Gnosis Medical Services to Provide Accurate Patient Identification in Developing Countries through Innovative Biometrics Solution
• REFERENCE KEYWORDS/TERMS: M2SYS Technology, , , Gnosis Medical Services, Biometrics and Bioware, , , .

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