Harvey Coachworks Offers Penny per Mile All-Electric Commuter Vehicle

Author: Harvey Coachworks
Dateline: Mon, 08 Oct 2007

freeNewsArticles Story Summary: “KNOXVILLE, Md. – Oct. 8 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — The continually rising price of gasoline has many people looking for preventative medicine for that ever growing ailment. One area where they are seeking to find relief from the pain at the pump is in their daily commute. For many commuters the all-new ‘BugE’ Personal Electric Transport from Harvey Coachworks may be just what the doctor ordered.”

A R T I C L E:

KNOXVILLE, Md. – Oct. 8 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — The continually rising price of gasoline has many people looking for preventative medicine for that ever growing ailment. One area where they are seeking to find relief from the pain at the pump is in their daily commute. For many commuters the all-new “BugE” Personal Electric Transport from Harvey Coachworks may be just what the doctor ordered.

Caption: BugE EVAt around a penny per mile operating cost, the BugE is like a spoon full of sugar helping the medicine go down. Unlike the common cold that takes at least ten days of rest to get over, this bug is sure to change the face of commuting in short order.

Where do you go for this cure? Enter stage left Harvey Coachworks, the fledgling company founded in 2006, whose focus is on providing environmentally friendly, efficient, and affordable products to its customers, is offering turn-key BugEs directly to consumers. According to the owner Mike Harvey, he is offering the base model BugE for under $9,000. The base model is a complete vehicle ready for the road. Mr. Harvey said, “We can offer our product at such a great price because we deal directly with the customer. We have no dealerships or middlemen and don’t plan to do so. Also, we do everything possible in-house, keeping markups to an absolute minimum.” And, with clean vehicle tax incentives being available in many states, consumers net cost for the BugE could be even lower.

The standard model BugE is a single-seat all-electric 48v cyclecar format trike powered by commercially available deep cycle marine batteries. The average range for the standard model is 40 miles with a top speed of 45 mph, perfect for the average commute on normal roads. Available upgrades to the batteries and power train can extend the range to an estimated 150 miles and top speed to 60 mph. Because it’s semi-enclosed, the BugE is useable rain or shine. “Just don’t take it out in a snowstorm,” says Harvey.

Harvey Coachworks spokesman Joe Lado said, “We really believe the standard model BugE is a perfect fit for the scooter commuter market so prevalent in urban and suburban areas. We get very enthusiastic reactions wherever we show the BugE.” Harvey Coachworks also plans to market the vehicle to municipalities that are interested in “going green” and reducing their vehicle operating costs.

At a cost around a penny per mile in most areas the BugE truly is the choice for the frugal. A recent study by AAA found that motorists pay an average of 64.2 cents a mile for a 2003 model vehicle. “Surely the economic advantages to driving a BugE are compelling,” says Harvey. “But all this cost saving stuff is also environmentally friendly too. The vehicle is much more than savings to us. We, at Harvey Coachworks, are committed to not only provide efficient and affordable vehicles for our customers, but to do so in such a way that we do our part to reduce emissions and replace petroleum as the primary transportation fuel.”

The design for the BugE was the brainchild of Mark Murphy of Blue Sky Design, in Creswell, Oregon. Blue Sky Design assists small manufacturers, investors and entrepreneurs in the design development of products in order to make them more functional, attractive and manufacturable. According to Mr. Murphy, “There has to be an opportunity somewhere between the bicycle and the Buick.”

Mr. Harvey says, “Mark’s design has made that opportunity possible with the BugE design. We are very excited about this product and its possibilities.”

Harvey Coachworks also provides EV design, consulting, and conversion services from its facilities in Knoxville, Md.

For information: Call Toll Free +1 (877) 749-9730 or visit www.HARVEYEV.com.

More information and media queries:
Mike Harvey
Harvey Coachworks
Phone: 877-749-9730
Email: info@harveyev(.com)


Copyright © 2007 by Harvey Coachworks and Send2Press® Newswire, a service of Neotrope® – all rights reserved. Information believed accurate but not guaranteed. Sourced on: freeNewsArticles.com.

Story Title: Harvey Coachworks Offers Penny per Mile All-Electric Commuter Vehicle
• REFERENCE KEYWORDS/TERMS: BugE Personal Electric Transport, , , Harvey Coachworks, Auto and Motorsports, , , .

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