New Publisher Highlights Local Talent

Author: Kay Square Press, Inc.
Dateline: Thu, 10 Apr 2008

freeNewsArticles Story Summary: “PHILADELPHIA, Pa., April 10 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — The Philadelphia literary world will celebrate the launch of two new players today, April 10th: Kay Square Press, a new publishing company focused on Philadelphia-area artists, their stories, and their art; and Kay Square’s first release, ‘With the Rich and Mighty: Emlen Etting of Philadelphia’ (ISBN: 978-0-9815129-0-7), a critical biography by Kenneth C. Kaleta, Professor of Cinema Studies at Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ.”

A R T I C L E:

PHILADELPHIA, Pa., April 10 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — The Philadelphia literary world will celebrate the launch of two new players today, April 10th: Kay Square Press, a new publishing company focused on Philadelphia-area artists, their stories, and their art; and Kay Square’s first release, “With the Rich and Mighty: Emlen Etting of Philadelphia” (ISBN: 978-0-9815129-0-7), a critical biography by Kenneth C. Kaleta, Professor of Cinema Studies at Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ.

Kay Square was founded with the goal of bringing to light Philadelphia artists-painters, filmmakers, writers, illustrators, musicians, culinary masters, etc. – whose reputations have not yet reached beyond the Delaware Valley. From original works to academic criticism, Kay Square seeks to give a voice to a city full of silent talent and history.

Kaleta’s book, With the Rich and Mighty, highlights the artistic triumphs and social excesses of Philadelphia-based artist Emlen Etting and his wife Gloria Braggiotti. Kaleta uses his personal collection of art and correspondence, now housed in the Archives of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, to illuminate Etting’s art, life, and words.

With the Rich and Mighty provides a glimpse into the private world of this seventh-generation Philadelphian whose home became a gathering place for the rich and famous of Philadelphia and beyond. Creator of such works as Phoenix Rising, displayed in the North Plaza of City Hall, Etting was an artistic minimalist, but favored the extremes of a socialite lifestyle.

“With the Rich and Mighty” can be purchased online at

Kay Square Press encourages the submission of manuscripts that complement its mission. Submissions details are available at the website.


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Story Title: New Publisher Highlights Local Talent
• REFERENCE KEYWORDS/TERMS: Kay Square Press Inc, , , author Kenneth C Kaleta, Books and Publishing, , , .

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