Army Jumper(TM) Cables Now Available at Santa Fe Supply

Author: Santa Fe Supply
Dateline: Mon, 09 Feb 2009

freeNewsArticles Story Summary: “SANTA FE SPRINGS, Calif., Feb. 9 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Santa Fe Supply has announced its immediate rights to distribute and sell Army Jumper(TM) Cables over their website, from the award winning Philatron Wire and Cable. Philatron Wire and Cable is the fastest growing prime USA manufacturer of wire and cable in Southern California. With over 34 years of business, Philatron Wire and Cable continue to keep its standard for innovation and up to date technology a top priority.”

A R T I C L E:

SANTA FE SPRINGS, Calif., Feb. 9 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Santa Fe Supply has announced its immediate rights to distribute and sell Army Jumper(TM) Cables over their website, from the award winning Philatron Wire and Cable. Philatron Wire and Cable is the fastest growing prime USA manufacturer of wire and cable in Southern California. With over 34 years of business, Philatron Wire and Cable continue to keep its standard for innovation and up to date technology a top priority.

Philatron has developed a jumper cable in just a fraction of the size that provides more boosting power than many larger and out dated bulk jumper cables. Army Jumper(TM) Cables have been highly engineered to produce a quick start and expedient power transfer from one car to another.

Army Jumper(TM) Cables are manufactured with a unique blend of copper alloy, using the purest form of copper for dielectric strength that minimizes electrical resistance and heat build up. Army Jumpers work under extreme climates from -60 degrees C (-76 degrees F) to +105 degrees C (+221 degrees F), stretches to 10 feet for easy hook up, and has a diameter of just 7 1/2 inches for compact storage.

Army Jumpers(TM) Cables are compact designed for the U.S. Army and are ideal for the consumer that needs power, but not the bulk. Army Jumper cables are great for automobiles, dune buggies, motorcycles, boats, and any type of recreational vehicles that provide little storage.

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Story Title: Army Jumper(TM) Cables Now Available at Santa Fe Supply
• REFERENCE KEYWORDS/TERMS: Santa Fe Supply, , , Army Jumper Cables, Auto and Motorsports, , , .

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