Rescue Lost Digital Photos: EASEUS Data Recovery Software Helps to Restore Precious Memories

Author: EASEUS Software
Dateline: Fri, 27 Feb 2009

freeNewsArticles Story Summary: “CHENGDU, China and NEW YORK, N.Y., Feb. 27 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — EASEUS Software, the innovative, dedicated data recovery software provider, offers a one-stop solution for data recovery from hard drive disk or portable storage device under Windows OS environment. It has successfully recovered data for computer users and restored their precious memories. The following bellow is just one such story.”

A R T I C L E:

CHENGDU, China and NEW YORK, N.Y., Feb. 27 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — EASEUS Software, the innovative, dedicated data recovery software provider, offers a one-stop solution for data recovery from hard drive disk or portable storage device under Windows OS environment. It has successfully recovered data for computer users and restored their precious memories. The following bellow is just one such story.

“For two days straight, I cried off and on, and couldn’t sleep. My computer crashed when I installed unreliable software, and instead of taking it to a professional, I tried fixing it myself, by running the Recovery CDs that came with the computer when we bought it. I didn’t realize it would restore my computer to ‘factory settings’ and I would completely lose everything I had saved on it.

“I didn’t use this laptop for work any more, as I guessed it could have been even worse… on this computer I had saved about 9 years worth of family photos, including family vacations to Mexico, Bahamas, New Zealand, New York City, etc., all birthdays and Christmases and all special events for my three children. I basically had lost all record of their lives from age 4 to 14. I know I was stupid for not having a backup, but I was naive, and had never had any unhappy things occurred to my computers before. This time, fortune did not smile upon me. I also lost a lot of important documents, such as addresses, budgets, resumes, and data. But nothing bothered me so much as losing all our photos.

“I called our computer repair shop, and they told me they were very sorry, but there was absolutely no way to recover these files. I placed my last hope on the internet and found data recovery software – ‘EASEUS Data Recovery Wizard.’ To catch the last straw, I purchased the professional version at $80. To my surprise, the program recovered all of my photos; nine years worth of photos. You cannot imagine how valuable they are to me. Since I recovered all my photos, I have saved everything to backup disks now, and will take precautions in the future. But I’m telling you, $80 is a BARGAIN for what the software has given me back.”

More info for this data recovery software:


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Story Title: Rescue Lost Digital Photos: EASEUS Data Recovery Software Helps to Restore Precious Memories
• REFERENCE KEYWORDS/TERMS: restore lost files, , , data recovery software, Computing, , , .

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