CalUniversity’s Successful Concept of Higher Education Goes Global

Author: California InterContinental University
Dateline: Los Angeles, California (LOS ANGELES, Calif.)  | Thu, 18 Nov 2010

freeNewsArticles Story Summary: “California InterContinental University (CalUniversity), a leading distance-learning educational institution, is now offering its services globally in the hopes of making affordable degree attainment a reality for students everywhere.”

A R T I C L E:

California InterContinental University (CalUniversity), a leading distance-learning educational institution, is now offering its services globally in the hopes of making affordable degree attainment a reality for students everywhere. With the support of dignitaries from around the world, CalUniversity will offer programs for Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral degrees in business, healthcare and information technology, and will kick off its worldwide program with course offerings in Pakistan, the UK and India.

Being that many students around the world are unable to pay for the rising costs of tuition, CalUniversity has developed this program for underprivileged students who are motivated to earn their degree but cannot afford a typical university education. In support of the expansion, Dr. Khalil BineBine, MD, member of the CalUniversity Board of Directors, met with former Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf, human rights activist and wife of former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, Cherie Blair, and Houston socialite and political activist Joanne Herring, to explore opportunities for bringing CalUniversity’s curriculum to underprivileged students throughout the world.

“Our main goal and motivation for offering distance-learning programs worldwide is to provide a platform for students to flourish and succeed by gaining a degree in higher education, no matter their financial state,” said CEO and Chairman of CalUniversity Dr. Shaan Kumar. “We hope that these global offerings affect students in a positive way and are looking to expand our services to even more countries in the coming months.”

Based on partnerships with universities in Pakistan, the UK and India, this program offers students the ability to transfer to CalUniversity where they can complete their degree for a fraction of the cost. CalUniversity offers an interactive learning curriculum, flexible degree completion and affordable tuition and fees. Students are offered a quality education with personalized services and world class attention in a friendly yet competitive environment. The University’s objective is to deliver the highest quality Bachelor, Master and Doctoral programs through innovative forms of indirect learning modes leveraging the latest technology platforms. For more information on CalUniversity, please visit .

About CalUniversity:

California InterContinental University (CalUniversity) is a distance learning online educational institution dedicated to the study of business administration and management. As part of the school’s mission, CalUniversity promotes quality learning, critical thinking, and the discovery of new knowledge for the benefit of diverse business communities.

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Story Title: CalUniversity's Successful Concept of Higher Education Goes Global
• REFERENCE KEYWORDS/TERMS: Elkhalil M BineBine MD, Los Angeles, California, distance-learning programs, New Locations and Growth, Education, Internet, LOS ANGELES, Calif..

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