SET Personal Marketing Reviews the Current Job Market and Offers 3 Ways to Overcome Its Downfalls

Author: Robert Gerberg
Dateline: New York, New York (NEW YORK, N.Y.)  | Wed, 25 May 2011

freeNewsArticles Story Summary: “With unemployment rates hanging at a steady 9 percent, job hunting continues to be a daunting task for the unemployed. However, SET Personal Marketing, a firm that specializes in helping professionals find work or change careers, offers advice to job seekers on how to land a job, despite these tough economic times.”

A R T I C L E:

With unemployment rates hanging at a steady 9 percent, job hunting continues to be a daunting task for the unemployed. However, SET Personal Marketing, a firm that specializes in helping professionals find work or change careers, offers advice to job seekers on how to land a job, despite these tough economic times.

According to Robert J. Gerberg, CEO of SET, although it may not seem like it, you can still land a great job even when the economy doesn’t look promising. You will just have to refine your job search strategy.

As of April, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that employers added 244,000 jobs in April. On the other hand, they also reported that 190,000 fewer Americans were working in April than the previous month.

If you are one of the many jobless people struggling to find work in this economy, SET recommends you incorporate these three tips into your job search approach to increase your chances of landing a job.

Look at your industry options:

If the industry you’re looking at is being affected by the tough economic times, consider other industry options. Are there emerging industries seeking professionals with your skills? Breaking into a new industry is just a matter of selling your transferable skills. So identify the skills you have that could translate to a different industry and work on marketing them to employers.

Expand your network:

The way people network has changed. Thanks to sites such as LinkedIn and Facebook, networking with potential employers has gotten easier than ever. The key to efficiently networking is to reach out to all social and professional connections you have built in the past. Then, create online profiles that represent you as a professional. They should include your experiences, connections, skills and other insights into what you would bring to a company.

Sell your worth:

Show how you can add value to a company. If you have been successful at increasing sales or building clientele in the past then noticeably place those achievements on both your resume and cover letter. Don’t make an employer guess or imagine how to use you, instead make yourself relevant by describing the benefits that your previous employers have gained by hiring you.

With more than 12 years industry experience, SET is the premier personal marketing firm for professionals. Visit for free videos on the job market; new resume styles ( producing real results; interviewing tips; and ways for accessing leads and contacts on the Internet.


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Story Title: SET Personal Marketing Reviews the Current Job Market and Offers 3 Ways to Overcome Its Downfalls
• REFERENCE KEYWORDS/TERMS: SET Personal Marketing, New York, New York, helping professionals find work, Employment, HR and Outsourcing, Opinion, Internet, NEW YORK, N.Y..

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