Entrepreneur on a Mission to Launch 100 New Start-Ups

Author: The Entrepreneur Cafe LLC
Dateline: Washington, District of Columbia (WASHINGTON, D.C.)  | Mon, 13 Feb 2012

freeNewsArticles Story Summary: “When entrepreneur Cavanaugh L. Gray set out to pursue his own small business dreams he didn’t realize the impact it would have on helping others achieve their own dreams. In the spring of 2004, The Entrepreneur Cafe, LLC founder did the unthinkable. He scheduled a meeting with his supervisor, picked out his best suite, walked into his corporate job and fired himself. Given current unemployment rates and a tight lending market this might be considered absurd by today’s standards.”

A R T I C L E:

When entrepreneur Cavanaugh L. Gray set out to pursue his own small business dreams he didn’t realize the impact it would have on helping others achieve their own dreams. In the spring of 2004, The Entrepreneur Cafe, LLC founder did the unthinkable. He scheduled a meeting with his supervisor, picked out his best suite, walked into his corporate job and fired himself. Given current unemployment rates and a tight lending market this might be considered absurd by today’s standards.

“I grew up with an entrepreneurial driven spirit and learned how to build business ideas easily and quickly,” says Gray. But years later he would find himself in a position he wasn’t wired for and knew that if he wanted a different future it would require a big leap of faith.

To launch his start-up, Cavanaugh would get up at four or five every morning, fire up the coffee pot and work a couple of hours before dropping off his son and heading to work. In the evening he would work until midnight only to get back up and start all over again. Two months later the business plan was complete, he was ready to leave his job and had come up with a unique name for the company.

The Entrepreneur Cafe, LLC – www.ecafellc.com – is a business development company that helps entrepreneurs operate on a larger scale while achieving more money, more time, more control over their futures and more fulfillment from their businesses endeavors. This year Cavanaugh is on a mission to help launch 100 new start-up companies.

“Starting a business doesn’t have to be complicated, for many future owners it’s all about taking that first step.”

The Entrepreneur Cafe, LLC is offering Small Business Consultations – http://www.ecafellc.com/services/business-condultation – which are designed to help bring clarity to new business ideas before considerable time and money have been spent. Over the past eight years, the Chicago born entrepreneur has been a strong promoter of youth entrepreneurship founding the Young Entrepreneurs Program (YEP), has taught entrepreneurship at the college level, used entrepreneurship to address social issues including aiding homeless families all while helping launch new businesses and helping established companies grow.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau there are an estimated 27.3 million small businesses in the United States. Entrepreneurs often face a similar set of obstacles in their efforts to start and grow their businesses. These obstacles include inexperienced management, outdated marketing efforts, a need for better financial controls and a lack of small business resources.

To assist small businesses in addressing these issues, The Entrepreneur Cafe, LLC has expanded its social networking efforts by offering entrepreneurs more resources via its Daily Grind Newsletter. After establishing a location in Chicago in 2008, Cavanaugh is currently looking to open a second office in the Washington, D.C. area.


Copyright © 2012 by The Entrepreneur Cafe LLC and Send2Press® Newswire, a service of Neotrope® – all rights reserved. Information believed accurate but not guaranteed. Sourced on: freeNewsArticles.com.

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• Media Contact Information: https://www.send2press.com/mediadrome/2012-02-0213-002.txt

Story Title: Entrepreneur on a Mission to Launch 100 New Start-Ups
• REFERENCE KEYWORDS/TERMS: starting a business, Washington, District of Columbia, Cavanaugh L Gray, Funding and Investment, Consulting, Internet, WASHINGTON, D.C..

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