Trippin’ Tune Tattooz Cover More Than The iPod

Author: Matrix Productions, Inc.
Dateline: Tue, 16 Aug 2005

freeNewsArticles Story Summary: “CEDAR RAPIDS, IA – August 16 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — For a while iPod owners have cured their white iPod blues with iPod tattoos, a thin colorful iPod skin that wraps around a majority of the iPods surface. iPod tattoos are a great way for iPod owners to be unique and their tattooed iPods themselves look great, but what about the accessories? Snap on an iTrip (by Griffin Technology) and something looks out of place. The answer, iPod tattoos with matching accessory tattoos. Matrix Productions, Inc. has re-released its complete line of TuneTattooz brand tattoos for the iPod Mini with an additional tattoo that covers the iTrip Mini.”

A R T I C L E:

TuneTattooz iPod Mini Tattoos Now Include Screen Protector, iPod Mini and iTrip Mini Tattoo

CEDAR RAPIDS, IA – August 16 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — For a while iPod owners have cured their white iPod blues with iPod tattoos, a thin colorful iPod skin that wraps around a majority of the iPods surface. iPod tattoos are a great way for iPod owners to be unique and their tattooed iPods themselves look great, but what about the accessories? Snap on an iTrip (by Griffin Technology) and something looks out of place. The answer, iPod tattoos with matching accessory tattoos. Matrix Productions, Inc. has re-released its complete line of TuneTattooz brand tattoos for the iPod Mini with an additional tattoo that covers the iTrip Mini.

Caption: iPod Mini TuneTattoo Sample.

“All iPod owners want to be unique,” says Matrix Productions, Inc. President Dennis Turkington. “This was quite obvious to us when we first released our TuneTattooz line for the full size iPods in early 2005. iPod owners immediately began sending us their suggestions for new TuneTattoo designs. It was only a matter of days when we started getting requests of iPod Mini TuneTattooz and their accessories; it seemed that the iPod tattoo world had forgotten Mini owners. We answered with a line of TuneTattooz for the iPod Mini and iPod Shuffle and now the iTrip tattoos.”

See the complete catalog of iPod Mini TuneTattooz at

Since mid 2005, TuneTattooz have been available in kits which include the tattoo skins and an ultra thin screen protector. Although the tattoos primary function is to decorate, they also help protect a user’s iPod from minor dings and scratches. With the addition of the screen protector and now the accessory tattoos, the iPod is even better covered. Compatible with most fabric or silicon cases, TuneTattooz skins and screen protectors are very thin and can be used with most existing cases.

Matrix Productions Inc. founded in 1992 develops web graphic templates and internet based technologies and products for corporate and consumer clients.

For more information please contact Dennis Turkington at 319-373-0668, e-mail Dennis at press @

All trademarks acknowledged.


Copyright © 2005 by Matrix Productions, Inc. and Send2Press® Newswire, a service of Neotrope® – all rights reserved. Information believed accurate but not guaranteed. Sourced on:

Story Title: Trippin' Tune Tattooz Cover More Than The iPod
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