Tag: Canada Business
Health Expert Dr. Doug Pooley Reveals Groundbreaking Approach to Health and Empowered Aging in His Book ‘The UN-Diet Diet’
LIGHTHOUSE COVE, Ontario, Canada — Dr. Doug Pooley, a distinguished figure in the field of health and wellness with over four decades of experience, has unveiled his transformative health reclamation strategy in his latest book, “The UN-Diet Diet” (IBSN: 978-0228867654 August, 2023).
Author Sharon Bruce Unveils Captivating Tale of Resilience in ‘Shoebox Baby’
TIMMINS, Ontario — Sharon Bruce, an accomplished author with a passion for storytelling, has released her latest book, “Shoebox Baby,” (IBSN: 978-0228890645; May, 2023) a compelling work of creative non-fiction that chronicles the extraordinary life of Susan Fenton and the challenges she faced growing up.
‘Zoe and the I Can’t Monkey’ by Adrian Lortie – An uplifting story about positive self-talk and confidence for children
MONTREAL, Quebec — In Adrian Lortie’s debut novel “Zoe and the I Can’t Monkey” (ISBN: 978-0228889755; March 28, 2023), we explore the importance of children developing healthy communication skills and learning to deal with negative emotions at a young age through a fun, educational story.
Author Sarah Zadek Releases Evidence-Based Guide to Optimize Fertility
TORONTO, Ontario — Author and licensed Naturopathic Doctor, Sarah Zadek, has released a comprehensive guide to fertility. The book is titled “It Takes Two… And A Uterus: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding and Enhancing your Fertility,” (ISBN: 978-0228884170; March 1, 2023) the book offers evidence-based guidance on improving the odds of a healthy pregnancy, whether…