Personal Marketing Firm ERI Explains 5 Ways Executives Can Create Their Next New Job

Author: Robert Gerberg
Dateline: New York, New York (NEW YORK, N.Y.)  | Thu, 21 Apr 2011

freeNewsArticles Story Summary: “After gaining years of experience in your current field, you are ready for your next challenge. ERI Personal Marketing, a firm specializing in assisting executives and professionals in their career search, knows that if you are like many executives in today’s job market, your next position may very likely be one created specifically for you.”

A R T I C L E:

After gaining years of experience in your current field, you are ready for your next challenge. ERI Personal Marketing, a firm specializing in assisting executives and professionals in their career search, knows that if you are like many executives in today’s job market, your next position may very likely be one created specifically for you.

ERI Personal Marketing ( has developed a list of five ways executives can create job offers, even when no current openings exist, by simply presenting yourself as a solution to a problem.

“The ‘create a job’ approach is for executives who want a job tailored to their best abilities,” Robert J. Gerberg (, CEO of ERI, said. “Or who may have difficulty winning offers through other means.”

According to Gerberg in these situations, to win the job you want, you may have to create it by making an employer aware of your ability to contribute.

1. Target the right organizations. Your highest probability targets are likely to be small to medium sized companies. This includes firms that are growing rapidly, bringing out new products, forming new divisions, acquiring other companies or reorganizing.

2. Reach the right decision makers. When selecting the person to contact, aim on the high side. Go directly to people with the authority to create jobs.

3. Prepare a brief description of benefits you can bring. Have a clear proposition that is accurate, concise, and easily understood outlining what you can do. Your message has to hold the promise of tangible value on a scale large enough to warrant and investment in you.

4. Take strong initiatives in your first interview. Address what your ideas are, why you think they will work and what you understand are the company’s current problems and opportunities.

5. Genuinely stir the employer’s imagination. The employer should begin to anticipate specific benefits and be able to relate them directly to your talents. If you build enthusiasm, the employer may conclude the meeting with a statement that he would like to create a job for you.

With more than 12 years industry experience, ERI is the premier personal marketing firm ( for executives and professionals. Visit for free videos on the job market; how to create a resume ( that produces real results; where public and private openings can be found; and ways for accessing leads on the Internet.


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Story Title: Personal Marketing Firm ERI Explains 5 Ways Executives Can Create Their Next New Job
• REFERENCE KEYWORDS/TERMS: ERI Personal Marketing, New York, New York, executive resumes, Employment, HR and Outsourcing, Opinion, General Editorial, NEW YORK, N.Y..

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